Take control of charge points through local Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP), enhancing reliability of your EV charging ecosystem without dependency on a third-party cloud.
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Expand your charging network
with efficient and sustainable EV charging solutions. Designed for seamless integration and built to evolve with your business needs.
Take control of charge points through local Open Charge Point Protocol (OCPP), enhancing reliability of your EV charging ecosystem without dependency on a third-party cloud.
amina’s EV chargers are optimised for easy installation, painless provisioning and low maintenance to reduce operational costs throughout the product’s life cycle.
The most powerful AC charging effect. Add up to 100km range in 1 hour.
Open-source, not proprietary, for adaptable and future-proof products.
Designed and engineered in collaboration with electricians.
5-year warranty and compliance with all relevant EU standards.
Zigbee, Bluetooth, WiFi, 4G.
Native OCPP 1.6